5-day course in Geographical Epidemiology, University of Guelph, June 11-15, 2012

A five-day course to review spatial statistical methods and their application in public health, epidemiology, veterinary science and medical geography

"Superb instructional staff. Some of the best I’ve experienced in a university environment.Great span of topics. Intense but pointed."

Public health practitioners, researchers, faculty and students from disciplines such as veterinary epidemiology, biostatistics and medical geography will obtain valuable skills in the use of statistical software.

Topics include:

  • Likelihood and Bayesian methods for disease mapping
  • Cluster analysis and detection
  • Regression modeling.

An outlook will review advanced methods for the analysis of spatial epidemiologic data. The course includes daily lectures and practical computer labs.  

Registration is now open. For additional information,

Questions? Email info@coles.uoguelph.ca or call 519-767-5000