Dr. Greg Keefe - Publications – 2013
- Cameron M, Keefe GP, Roy JP, Dohoo IR, MacDonald KA, McKenna SL. Evaluation of a 3M petrifilm on-farm culture system for the detection of intramammary infection at the end of lactation. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 2013.
- Lavers CJ, McKenna SL, Dohoo IR, Barkema HW, Keefe GP. Evaluation of environmental fecal culture for Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis detection in dairy herds and association with apparent within-herd prevalence. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2013, November.
- Vanderstichel R , Dohoo I , Sanchez J , Sithole F , Keefe G , Stryhn H, Predicting the effect of anthelmintic treatment on milk production of dairy cattle in Canada using an Ostertagia ostertagi ELISA from individual milk samples. Preventive veterinary medicine. 2013.